Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Girl's Weekend!!!!!!!!

Yes, it's been quit sometime but our home computer crashed & we've been living from our laptop. I only like to post when I can include pictures and we are waiting for our new Apple computer before we start loading a bunch of pictures. I broke down today and loaded a few to our laptop bc I've been catching some major grief (love ya Court) for not updating my blog.
This past weekend Melissa Randle, Courtney Chamblee & myself took off for a Girl's Weekend. It was unbelievably relaxing. Thursday at 1:00 we headed to Canton & stayed in a B & B that night and rocked on the back porch for hours. I can't even explain the peacefulness it created. The weather was perfect, the place was perfect, not a thing interrupted our day. The next morning we awoke to a brief tornado...I say it lightly bc before we knew it hit it was over! It actually hit part of 1st Monday but it didn't seem to slow anyone down. We shopped Canton from about 11:00 to 4:00 then headed for a Women's Retreat in Tyler, TX that our church sponsored. It was nested deep in the woods at a place called Pine Creek Resort. Our private cabin that the 3 three of us bunked in looked directly over a beautiful pond and huge, huge pine trees. There were walking paths galore and just nature in it's glory! We had a wonderful time fellowshipping and Girl Time. We even got to go ziplining. We road tripped it back on Saturday night to relieve all of our precious husbands from our kiddos.
I have to greatly brag on my hubby. He kept the kids for nearly three days without one single complaint or hesitation. Everytime I called he was digging into some new exciting activity with the little ones. He even made a music video with Cayman as the star dancer! So cute!!! I truly have the greatest husband alive. I've tried to explain what a blessing this weekend was but words cannot even describe! Thank you baby!!!!
The next newest & GREATEST thing in our life is our life-altering decision to visit new churches. It's truly been the hardest but most peaceful decision we've ever made as a couple. As most of you know, we've been in this church since we were both 13 so it has been quit an uphill road. I trust the Lord completely in it and know he has great plans for us. I can't wait to see what his plans behold!!! It's hard saying goodbye to the friends but the good ones always last anyways.

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